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Setting Up Your Account

You can set up a free Preview account which will give you full functionality for 14 days so you can test drive the platform. All you need to enter is your email address, name and phone number.

Setup your free Preview account here.

When you’re ready to upgrade to a full account, you can create it here.

How to Use

Need guidance to solve a quick marketing problem? Tasked with creating a positioning, brand, pricing or distribution strategy? Need to write a marketing plan or design an integrated marketing campaign? Looking to validate your company’s marketing investments? Seeking to develop skills in new areas? Looking for succinct guidance for your marketing activities, tying strategy to sales and measuring marketing return on investment?

These are all reasons why our customers use Marketing MO.

Here you can dig deeper about how to use it in your daily marketing activities:

  • Campaign Validation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Planning
  • Marketing ROI Measurement
  • Marketing Support System
  • Learning

Accessing the Tools

You can access the tool from the Browse Tools section in the main navigation, from the Add>Tools dropdown when you’re working in your project, or from the tasks loaded in a pre-built project.

Using the Tools

Once you’re in the tools, you’ll be focusing on your marketing task, so it’s helpful to understand how the tools work beforehand.

Here you can dig deeper in to the features:

  • Fields Displaying in Reports
  • Hiding Guidance
  • Adding Response Fields
  • HTML Editor
  • Double Input Fields
  • Triple Input Fields
  • Spreadsheets for Calculators
  • Summary Tasks
  • Outputting Work


After you’ve entered in responses to a task, or all the tasks in a deliverable or all the deliverables in a category, click the  icon to output to a PDF.

To output all of the content in your project, or to create a project status report, click on the Reports dropdrown.

The PDFs at each level contain different formatting. Learn about:

  • Task Formatting
  • Deliverable Formatting
  • Category Formatting
  • Project Content Formatting